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This is internal documentation. This document can be used only if it was recommended by the Support Team.


From 23.3 version this document is outdated. Use official documentation.

For deployment on Production environment, all parameters need to be configured as per users requirement and k8s setup which is under use. However, for deployment on test environment, most of the default values will suffice. The following parameters are required to be configured and rest of the parameters may remain as default.

xldLicenseLicense for Deploy in base64 format
Persistence.SorageClassStorage Class to be defined, Network File System (NFS) for OnPremise or Elastic File System (EFS) for AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS)
ingress.hostsDNS name for accessing UI of Deploy
RepositoryKeystoreRepositoryKeystore for Deploy in base64 format
KeystorePassphrasePassphrase for RepositoryKeystore

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Deploy chart, and their default values.

K8sSetup.PlatformPlatform on which to install the chart. Allowed values are PlainK8s and AWSEKSPlainK8s
XldMasterCountNumber of master replicas3
XldWorkerCountNumber of worker replicas3
ServerImageRepositoryImage name for the Deploy masterxebialabs/xl-deploy
WorkerImageRepositoryImage name for the Deploy workerxebialals/deploy-task-engine
ImageTagImage tag9.7
ImagePullPolicyImage pull policy, Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest',set to 'IfNotPresent'Always
ImagePullSecretSpecify docker-registry secret names. Secrets must be manually created in the namespacenil
haproxy-ingress.installInstall haproxy subchart. If you have haproxy already installed, set 'install' to 'false'true
haproxy-ingress.controller.kindType of deployment, DaemonSet or DeploymentDaemonSet
haproxy-ingress.controller.service.typeKubernetes Service type for haproxy. It can be changed to LoadBalancer or NodePortNodePort
ingress.EnabledExposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the clustertrue
ingress.annotationsAnnotations for ingress "false" haproxy / cookie JSESSIONID prefix `
ingress.pathYou can route an Ingress to different Services based on the path/xl-deploy/
ingress.hostsDNS name for accessing ui of
ingress.tls.secretNameSecret file which holds the tls private key and certificateexample-secretsName
ingress.tls.hostsDNS name for accessing ui of Deploy using
AdminPasswordAdmin password for xl-deployIf user does not provide password, random 10 character alphanumeric string will be generated
xldLicenseConvert xl-deploy.lic files content to base64nil
RepositoryKeystoreConvert keystore.jks files content to base64nil
KeystorePassphrasePassphrase for keystore.jks filenil
resourcesCPU/Memory resource requests/limits. User can change the parameter accordinglynil
postgresql.installInstalls postgresql chart with single instance. If you have an existing database deployment, set 'install' to 'false'.true
postgresql.postgresqlUsernamePostgreSQL user (creates a non-admin user when postgresqlUsername is not postgres)postgres
postgresql.postgresqlPasswordPostgreSQL user passwordrandom 10 character alphanumeric string
postgresql.postgresqlExtendedConf.listenAddressesSpecifies the TCP/IP address(es) on which the server is to listen for connections from client applications*
postgresql.postgresqlExtendedConf.maxConnectionsMaximum total connections500
postgresql.initdbScriptsSecretSecret with initdb scripts that contain sensitive information (Note: can be used with initdbScriptsConfigMap or initdbScripts). The value is evaluated as a template.postgresql-init-sql-xlr
postgresql.service.portPostgreSQL port5432
postgresql.persistence.enabledEnable persistence using PVCtrue
postgresql.persistence.sizePVC Storage Request for PostgreSQL volume50Gi
postgresql.persistence.existingClaimProvide an existing PersistentVolumeClaim, the value is evaluated as a template.nil
postgresql.resourcesCPU/Memory resource requests/limitsMemory: 256Mi, CPU: 250m
postgresql.nodeSelectorNode labels for pod assignment
postgresql.affinityAffinity labels for pod assignment
postgresql.tolerationsToleration labels for pod assignment[]
UseExistingDB.EnabledIf you want to use an existing database, change 'postgresql.install' to 'false'.false
UseExistingDB.XL_DB_URLDatabase URL for xl-deploynil
UseExistingDB.XL_DB_USERNAMEDatabase User for xl-deploynil
UseExistingDB.XL_DB_PASSWORDDatabase Password for xl-deploynil
rabbitmq-ha.installInstall rabbitmq chart. If you have an existing message queue deployment, set 'install' to 'false'.true
rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqUsernameRabbitMQ application usernameguest
rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqPasswordRabbitMQ application passwordrandom 24 character long alphanumeric string
rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqErlangCookieErlang cookieDEPLOYRABBITMQCLUSTER
rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqMemoryHighWatermarkMemory high watermark500MB
rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqNodePortNode port5672
rabbitmq-ha.extraPluginsAdditional plugins to add to the default configmaprabbitmq_shovel, rabbitmq_shovel_management, rabbitmq_federation, rabbitmq_federation_management, rabbitmq_jms_topic_exchange, rabbitmq_management,
rabbitmq-ha.replicaCountNumber of replica3
rabbitmq-ha.rbac.createIf true, create & use RBAC resourcestrue
rabbitmq-ha.service.typeType of service to createClusterIP
rabbitmq-ha.persistentVolume.enabledIf true, persistent volume claims are createdtrue
rabbitmq-ha.persistentVolume.sizePersistent volume size20Gi
rabbitmq-ha.persistentVolume.annotationsPersistent volume annotations
rabbitmq-ha.persistentVolume.resourcesCPU/Memory resource requests/limits
rabbitmq-ha.definitions.policiesHA policies to add to definitions.json{"name": "ha-all","pattern": ".*","vhost": "/","definition": {"ha-mode": "all","ha-sync-mode": "automatic", "ha-sync-batch-size": 1 } }
rabbitmq-ha.definitions.globalParametersPre-configured global parameters{"name": "cluster_name", "value": "" }
rabbitmq-ha.prometheus.operator.enabledEnabling Prometheus Operatorfalse
UseExistingMQ.EnabledIf you want to use an existing Message Queue, change 'rabbitmq-ha.install' to 'false'false
UseExistingMQ.XLD_TASK_QUEUE_USERNAMEUsername for xl-deploy task queuenil
UseExistingMQ.XLD_TASK_QUEUE_PASSWORDPassword for xl-deploy task queuenil
UseExistingMQ.XLD_TASK_QUEUE_URLURL for xl-deploy task queuenil
UseExistingMQ.XLD_TASK_QUEUE_DRIVER_CLASS_NAMEDriver Class Name for xl-deploy task queuenil
HealthProbesWould you like a HealthProbes to be enabledtrue
HealthProbesLivenessTimeoutDelay before liveness probe is initiated90
HealthProbesReadinessTimeoutDelay before readiness probe is initiated90
HealthProbeFailureThresholdMinimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded12
HealthPeriodScansHow often to perform the probe10
nodeSelectorNode labels for pod assignment
tolerationsToleration labels for pod assignment[]
affinityAffinity labels for pod assignment
Persistence.EnabledEnable persistence using PVCtrue
Persistence.StorageClassPVC Storage Class for volumenil
Persistence.AnnotationsAnnotations for the PVC
Persistence.AccessModePVC Access Mode for volumeReadWriteOnce
Persistence.XldExportPvcSizeXLD Master PVC Storage Request for volume. For production grade setup, size must be changed10Gi
Persistence.XldWorkPvcSizeXLD Worker PVC Storage Request for volume. For production grade setup, size must be changed5Gi