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XL Deploy active-active cluster setup with docker compose

The production setup for XL Deploy as mentioned here can be done using Docker compose as below.

This article provides a sample approach you can follow to setup the database and other infrastructure of your choice.

Note 1: For production deployments it is advised that you use Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment of the applications. Docker compose is not ideal for production setup. Proceed at your own risk. Use the xl up command from the official XebiaLabs CLI to install XebiaLabs products using Kubernetes, for more details see Manage Deployments with XL Up

Note 2: For HA setup to work, you need to mount a license file or provide an environment variable XL_LICENSE with a license text converted to base64 for the XL Deploy instances

Note 3: The folders you mount needs to be owned by user 10001, for example, you can run sudo chown -R 10001 xl-deploy-master if you are going to mount directories under $PWD/xl-deploy-master folder.


The setup includes

  • A load balancer with HaProxy
  • RabbitMQ single node setup
  • PostgreSQL database single node setup
  • XL Deploy master nodes
  • XL Deploy worker nodes


  • You can have only 2 master nodes
  • The database setup is for demo purposes, use your own setup or use external database
  • The MQ setup is for demo purposes, use your own setup or use external MQ
  • The HAproxy setup is for demo purposes, use your own setup


Follow the below steps to deploy the sample

  1. Download the docker-compose-xld-ha.yaml and docker-compose-xld-ha-workers.yaml files here
  2. You can use the provided to bring up the setup or do it manually with below steps, change the passwords as required in either case.
# Set passwords
export XLD_ADMIN_PASS=admin
export RABBITMQ_PASS=admin
export POSTGRES_PASS=admin

# Create docker network
docker network create xld-network

# deploy master nodes, load balancer, mq and database. You should not change the number of master nodes here, it must be 2
docker-compose -f docker-compose-xld-ha.yaml up --scale xl-deploy-master=2 -d

# get the IP of master nodes, change the container names if you are not inside a folder named "xl-deploy-ha"
export XLD_MASTER_1=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' xl-deploy-ha_xl-deploy-master_1)
export XLD_MASTER_2=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' xl-deploy-ha_xl-deploy-master_2)

# Deploy the worker nodes, you can change the number of nodes here if you wish
docker-compose -f docker-compose-xld-ha-workers.yaml up --scale xl-deploy-worker=2 -d

# Print out the status
docker-compose -f docker-compose-xld-ha.yaml -f docker-compose-xld-ha-workers.yaml ps
  1. You can view the logs of individual containers using the docker logs <container_name> -f command.
  2. You can access XL Deploy UI at http://localhost:8080
  3. To shutdown the setup you can run below
# Shutdown deployments
docker-compose -f docker-compose-xld-ha.yaml -f docker-compose-xld-ha-workers.yaml down
# Remove network
docker network rm xld-network

Steps to use Deploy Task Engine as a worker

From 10.4 we split Deploy Task Engine to a separate distribution. So that running the task has only the code which is required for that, not the full version of Deploy. It has a less footprint what can give a great benefit in saving VM RAM.

Use shell scripts to bring the cluster up and to shut it down. The difference in the configuration is quite subtle, docker-compose-xld-ha-slim-workers.yaml points to another image and has a bit different command. worker argument is no more required.

For Upgrade procedures please check this upgrade multi node deployment