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AWS OpenShift


This is internal documentation. This document can be used only if it was recommended by the Support Team.

Here it will described how to install manually Deploy k8s cluster with help of operator to Open Shift. As a tool to work with is taken AWS OpenShift.

oc login --token=TOKEN --server=SERVER_URL

SERVER_URL you can find the next way.

First find the cluster's console URL in the output of command:

rosa describe cluster --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME

When you open it, you will see on Cluster tab your new created cluster Openshift Clusters

Click on it, and open Networking tab Openshift Networking.

"Control Plane API endpoint" is your SERVER_URL. "Default application router" you have to use in DigitalaiDeployOcp to specify the hosts field. Only be aware that it should have only hostname, no protocol or port defined. So for this example it will be


router-default is a name of a default router configured by OpenShift. You can also find it in OpenShift Console UI:

OpenShift Route

Also very important thing, when IdP is created, you have to create a user with the same name. You can find it here: OpenShift Access Control

When all configuration is done, and you deployed the Operator, you can interact with the cluster with help of oc. Just instead of kubectl will be oc.

How to configure AWS EFS

This is the article to start the configuration from. The most important points which are missing there:

  • Network should attach a mounted target with VPC and Subnet Group which is the same as where cluster is created.

OpenShift EFS Network

OpenShift AWS EC2

  • Make sure that your SubGroup has a configuration for NFS.

OpenShift EFS SubGroup OpenShift EFS SubGroup

  • Access point should be created to a root folder "/" with 777 permissions to any random ID user.

OpenShift EFS Access Point

After you make efs-provisioner up and running you have to switch your storageclass to aws-efs as default, it will look like

bnechyporenko@Bogdan-Nechyporenko ~ % oc get sc
aws-efs (default) Delete Immediate false 30h
efs-sc Delete Immediate false 24h
gp2 Delete WaitForFirstConsumer true 5d3h
gp2-csi Delete WaitForFirstConsumer true 5d3h

Commands to do it:

oc patch storageclass aws-efs -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
oc patch storageclass gp2 -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"false"}}}'

When configured all properly, all pods have to be up and running

OpenShift state

and server accessed by the provided host in the configuration

Openshift Cluster UI


In some cases you can face with issues in PostreSQL and have no actual error logs. To overcome it, you have to enable debug mode for it. You can do it by enabling debug to true in values:

debug: true
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
repository: bitnami/postgresql
tag: 11.9.0-debian-10-r48